As we start the New Year, we’re going to spend some time thinking about what a fruitful life would look like in our workplaces. We’re convinced that of all people, Christ’s life is the best. It’s hard to think of anyone with a greater reputation for living a good life or with a greater impact on history. It was a truly fruitful life.
So it’s interesting to find that the great evangelist of the early church, the apostle Paul, expects that the first followers of Jesus would “bear fruit in every good work” (Colossians 1:10). He goes on to explain that Christ’s life is not only something we should imitate, but also something that we share. “Christ”, he says, “is our life” (Colossians 3:4).
Join us over the next few Wednesday lunchtimes as we unpack what Paul means and consider how Christ might help us to live fruitful lives in our workplaces.
Weds lunchtime Series Topic/Title Passage
03-Jan A fruitful life: A New Year prayer for our workplaces Col 1.9-14
10-Jan A fruitful life: How to live in heaven 7 days a week Col 3.1-15
17-Jan A fruitful life: Whatever you do Col 3.16-17
24-Jan A fruitful life: Work and family Col 3.22-4.1
31-Jan A fruitful life: A healthy church Col 4.2-6
07-Feb A fruitful life: Networking for the kingdom Col 4.7-18
Alongside this, each week we’re going to take time to discuss one specific area where the 21st century workplace presents a challenge to living this fruitful life.
Everyone who is in the city centre is very welcome to join us on Wednesday lunchtimes from 1:10-1:45pm, upstairs in Caffe Nero on Fountain St. Sandwiches available (suggested donation £3).
Please feel free to share this with anyone you know who may be interested in coming along.